December Is The Best Month to Write on and Boost Your Stats
What you need to know to see your stats climb.
It’s the perfect time of the year to hit publish on Medium.
Your potential readers spend more time inside than the rest of the year.
The stats of the publication shows you the overall trend for December - I also saw last year:
If you say:
Awesome Kristina! I also want to see my stats rise!
Here’s what you need to keep in mind to succeed:
Most publication editors will take a break
Keep in mind that many publication editors will take a break and schedule stories for the next few weeks around Christmas and New Year.
This is the email I received today from Better Marketing, one of Medium’s biggest publications:
If you want to get featured in one of Medium’s (biggest) publications you have to prepare your stories now!
Oh, have you heard about Medium’s writing prompt?
This December, when you hit the publish button, there’s one specific tag (=keyword, label) you should use to get featured by Medium’s editors.
In their latest newsletter, Medium invited all writers to publish a year-end retrospective on Medium.
“Think of it like your personal year in review, or a very public holiday card. What did you learn this year? How did you grow, what will you remember, and what insights can you share?”
To participate in the writing prompt, publish a reflection on your year — personally, professionally, or anywhere in between — and tag it “2022.”
Medium will feature a selection of the stories in this curated list…
on Medium’s homepage…
and will boost it on the network.
You can check out the tag page for inspiration.
Here’s the link: tag page.
To learn more about Medium’s awesome writing prompt, check out my latest story:
Thank you for the tips, Kristina! I didn't realize that people would be reading more in December than at other times. This is super helpful to know!