🥳🥳🥳WINNERS!! 🥳🥳🥳

- Jeanette Martin

- Daphne Pena

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This was such a helpful interview for up and coming writers! Which is the category I fall into. Thank you so much ladies! ❤️

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Loved this interview with Evelyn 💕

It really resonated when she said: "I am an incorrigible optimist!" This is so me :-)

Her questions that we should think about are super helpful!

"Who are you?

What motivates you?

What will make you happy?

Evelyn's story of her writing journey is both practical and inspiring! Thanks Kristina, I learnt so much listening to you and Evelyn chat about writing.

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Great interview. So inspiring on many levels. It’s always great to get the back story of successful writers and authors. Biggest takeaway, don’t give up. Keep improving your craft and stay focused.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it, Tracy. For sure, just keep going and doing what you love to do!

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What an inspiring story…well, stories really.

Perseverance is so important. These reminders along the way are hugely helpful.

Thanks to both of you for a great podcast ep.

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Thank you so much for watching, Daphne!

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Loved it!

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👋 Daphne

So nice hearing from you.

I'm glad Evelyn's hubby is fine again.

She shared so many surprising things about becoming a Bestseller and how she said "not yet".

Perseverance really helps. On Medium for instance you just have to try to get published in the pub of your dreams multiple times and then at some point

I believe that if you self publish and/or try to write the best story you can one day as Evelyn, you can get a book deal with a top publisher.

Wonderful that Evelyn could inspire you ❤️

Do you also write a book or have already some in your portfolio?

One tip: I'd change the title of your Substack

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Thanks Kristina. That is a great tip. So obvious, yet so important. I'm still getting my head around substack.

I do have a book in the works but right now it's all in journal format. I'll be working on chapters little by little as I go through all my previous journals.

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Evelyn's a true powerhouse. Loved hearing how she can walk away when something's not working for her. A superpower right there.

And an interesting angle to check your Ennegram to see which publishing path is best suited to your personality.

Great insight about. sharing on Substack what you already are talking about with your friends and colleagues!

Am looking forward to many more interviews here with writers of all types, including nonfiction, which is quite a different challenge.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a lovely comment, Jeanette. I'm thrilled that a lot of this conversation resonated for you!

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Hi Jeannette, interesting. Often people are especially interested in fiction as they say the industry is so hard.

I'll cover more non fiction for sure.

I checked the Ennegream types and now understand a bit more how I tick and who I am.

I also love her perseverance and resilience.

Do you have any specific ideas for future podcast episodes, Jeanette?

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I truly enjoyed this podcast and post. I love to hear about writers pursuing their dreams despite adversity.

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thank you so much, Susie. Glad you enjoyed it!

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👋 Susie

Wonderful to hear. And you're on the list and can win a signed book 📚

The replays with recommendations and Jamie will drop today and tomorrow I think

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That's interesting about the ennegram charts and a gold tip!

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I'm glad the enneagram information was interesting and helpful for you, Natalie!

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Hi Natalie, was great chatting with you. Fingers crossed for your book. Let me know how I can help you. The book launch club is a great start for sure.

I also love the ennegream types to see which writing path is best suited to your personality 💜

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Turns out I am type 3: the achiever (even if most days it does not feel like it(

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Loved this interview, may be my favourite one yet. I liked the part where Evelyne was able to say "not just yet" with her drafts. Takes courage to put something aside even if you really really want it!

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aww thanks, Sophie! I'm glad that resonated with you. Happy writing!

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Loved this part too, Sophie.

It takes courage and a vision to say: not just yet. And keep writing

I've learned that self publishing is the way to go because I'm more the practice in public and pump it out before it's too late type of writer.

Still I also wait until I publish my first love novel. Not because I would be seeking for an agent or thinking it's the best story I could tell, but because I want it to be a great and not a good read.

It's inspired by the loss of my granddad ❤️

Saw your story is performing super great here on Substack again.

Awesome. Keep going my dear.

Thanks for the comment. You can now ein a signed 📚 that I'd ship to NZ

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Oh didn't know you're writing a novel, that's very cool. Self publishing does sound like the way to go.

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Well, I started when I was pregnant and after by granddad's death then life got in the way... but I try to spend at least SOME time of the week writing a few lines. Having one week or more just for writing would be better ^^ as novel writing is different from newsletter/online posts writing.

How about you and your stories?

I see this book that's inside you. You too?

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I started writing it! I'm getting up early a couple days in the week to start some work on it. Probably averaging a couple hours each week so it'll take a while but that's ok 😊

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Kristina. it was a really good interview and I learned a lot! she's not only a great writer but a great verbal storyteller and funny! I really enjoyed watching it on YouTube and the article that you wrote.

There was one book and particular that she spoke about that really hit home with me and gave me some insight with her just describing the book that I think will help.

It was encouraging to see how with each situation and hurdle. She overcame it and persisted to where she is now.

Thanks for doing the interview🙏

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Thanks so much for your kind comments, Kathleen! I'm glad the interview was insightful for you!

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it really was and I was just meeting you for the first time via the interview . Your story is amazing and you never gave up ! I'm like that too 😉

I haven't read any of your books, but don't take offense to that. I've been busy taking care of my mom and my stepfather which is why I resigned from working in the hospital as an RN in 2021

What really hit in my spirit and moved me was when you were talking about your book- The million loves of Juliette

I feel that way about my mother! she's actually my soulmate 💕 some type of miracle will have to happen for me to go on without her😢.

Your story behind the book really hit home with me and brought up a lot of emotions. Hey, isn't that what good stories do? And sometimes in the process we heal 🙏

thank you for sharing your story


God bless you and your family ,


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Hey Kathleen, you were the first to comment on YT before I even send this newsletter. So you're definitely on the list and can win a signed book 📚

Love your encouragement and taking the time to comment here and on YT.

Glad you enjoyed the interview. We talked for more than two hours. She's so inspiring and lovely 😍 im reading Lat Year in Spain and can't put it away but have to because because of the kids.

Thanks for participating in our lives too and your wonderful feedback last week.

Looking for testimonials (posted this in the community) would love to get one from you. Ideal in video format 😂 or just audio of that's better

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Kristina, I'm just seeing this and wow this is fantastic just to be on the list 🎉🎉🎉

Of course, I'm here to learn and participate and not just recieve the teaching and trainings but offer something back in return. Let me know where I can offer a testimony (Audio or video- it will depend on how I look that day.. lol)

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A very interesting lady

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Hi Jeanette, I mentioned you in our recommendations session..will share the replay Sun/Monday.

I talked with Evelyn for more than two hours. Couldn't stop.

She's really an inspiring personality and writer.

Didn't know about Damsel before but I will watch and read it soon.

Currently reading Last Year In Spain.

Thanks for your comment, now you can win a signed book from Evelyn 🎉

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Thankyou, I viewed the video before I saw this! Many many thanks. I have received som followers since your recommendation. No subscribers. I am not quite sure what the difference is . I have followed some back.

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