
How Big Are Substack's Network Effects, Really?

Become your own brand manager one video at a time.

I wanted to share my “Hype and Brand Yourself” video series via Substack Chat but then found out the maximum lenght of a video is…

300 seconds = 5 minutes 🤣

I love short and sweet.

In fact I’ve been sharing short form and minimalist writing since December 2020.

Here’s the proof:

2000 stories? 82% short form, nothing that Medium likes but I do

However, since I added some personal anecdotes and more details here and there, my video was too long for chat.

Thanks for letting me in your inbox

I don’t want to bombard you with emails, I know your inbox is a special place and I’m thankful you let me in.

So this time I’ll be sharing a long form video with you.

Starting tomorrow it will be via the chat without a promotion from my side, meaning you won’t get an email.

All you have to do then is to check the chat and watch my videos.

Paid subscriber will get premium episodes (plus access to the school, community, coachings, live sessions e.g. with Ayo next week).

Let me help you get paid to be you

It’s an experiment based on the questions and feedback I receive every day:

Since I’m building this newsletter community part-time, I only can coach a handful of people of my tribe but I want you to see results too.

All you need to do is take inspir-ACTION.

It can be a flop, it can also help you see the value that’s inside my Online Writing School because my goal is to reach 200 members by the end of July 2024 which I can help kickstart, grow and monetize their writing.

If you say:

Kristina, I’d love to join your community, to support you and I trust the process!

Then upgrade to become a members of our school.

Feel free to share your feedback with me!

  • What do you think about the short and sweet “Hype and brand yourself” video series. Is it helpful?

  • Is sharing the videos via chat a good idea?

  • What questions do you have re becoming your own product and brand manager?

You deserve to get paid to be you, be seen and heard.

All the best,

P.S. Liked it? Could you do me a favor and like and re-stack my post? This way you help a solo writing business owner to be seen and heard and help more people like you. Thanks so much!

P.S.S. Don’t forget to share the impact of the network effect on your Substack newsletter! You can hit reply or restack with a note. Hugs!

P.S.S. Who is this girl? Why can she tell me something about hyping and marketing my writing, book. newsletter? Check out my about.

Video 1