❤️ this. I have mad respect for Michael in his decision to leave all the normal trappings of success and a good life to follow his true desires at a reasonably young age. It wasn’t until I reached the #50PLUSCLUB that I actually knew what I truly wanted.

Although my wife and I did move out of the US at 45 to start our adventure in Latin America, after making bad decisions and hitting my bottom. It is my dream to help more people live the life of their dreams that they want, not what others have imposed on them. To break past conditioned limits and soar in life, business and relationships and to have more joy and fulfillment.

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Interesting post, but it doesn't fit me. How come?

I was born during WW2 on our kitchen table, while Budapest was bombarded. I grew up in communism under miserable conditions. Fortunately I received good education and acquiered high degrees with honor. I am proud of my MS (Telecom) and PhD (Electron Pysics). After schools, I worked 8-7 instead of 9-5 jobs for most of my life. (workaholic +) In Government, in University and in non-profit. (No corporate jobs.) In 90 % I thrived in my jobs. As a junior associate I learned a lot from my excellent bosses. (Lucky me) As a senior manager I forged fantastic teams and achieved great results serving the common good, and earned decent money. As an advisor to the prime minister I made a bold advice to negotiate with the Western alliance to get rid of the COCOM proscribed destinations list, and allow Hungary to access modern technologies. He approved, and I successfully carried out the negotiations. I set up the Export Control System, later the National Cyber Security Center operating smoothly with the relevant European and Global professional partners.

Our Theodore Puskas Foundation and its two wholly owned subsidiaries became respected players in the Hungarian IT industry. Among others we provided the National Security Services with world class large custom designed IT systems.

With my wife and our children we trotted the Globe over, the Bucket List covers six continents and a jillion pictures, mirroring unforgettable memories. In the wide attic of my late wife's medical office I have a respectable collection of beautiful safari trophies from six continents.

I have never had time to think about liberating myself from my (more than 9-5) jobs.

Then, as a lightning from the blue sky, with a change of goverment we lost everything overnight. The Foundation was closed down, the assets were nationalized. Not a phone call, not a letter or an email... no gentlemen.

We learnt it from the National Register.

I was left on my own, on my state pension. My colleauges - all good professionals - had to find new jobs.

For ten years this pensioner was licking his wounds and lost his marvellous wife to Leukaemia. At 80, he shrug his shoulders and came to Substack to find a new fraternity, and start writing.

I am honored to be here, in the company of so many smart and noble friends.

Thank you!

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