The Future Belongs to The Imposter Writers
Fear is a mega win and self-doubt is not a bad feeling. It's good.
I’m jumping out of my skin excited because today is the day when you’ll have the chance to meet
in our LIVE workshop and Q&A session.I love bringing you inspiring voices of writers, authors and creatives from around the world although every day we’re bombarded with images and ideas from others telling us what we “should” do.
It’s easy to “should” all over ourselves and compare ourselves to others (more successful) writers, authors and creators.
I didn’t invent it. It’s in the dictionary and is called comparisonitis.
I’ll be true to you, I also often suffer from it when I scroll through Substack Notes or other social media paltforms.
If you’ve ever gone down the scroll hole I bet you found yourself thinking:
I should write more like her.
I should create content like that.
I wish my newsletter/Medium blog was as profitable as theirs
I wish my posts would get more likes and shares
I should put make-up on..
I should promote myself more… but how
What happens next is that you spend thinking hours about all the “shoulds” and comparing yourself to others but you’re not really taking action!
You’re feeling stuck. 😱
I’m not ready yet
I don’t have the time
I’m already doing so much…
What will “they” think…
What “should” I do?
Fear is creeping in and making you feel overwhelmed.
Indecision and self-doubt hold you back.
Here’s the thing to remember when you suffer from comparisonitis:
You’re on a different journey, at a different milestone and in another season than the person you’re comparing yourself with!
That person you keep comparison yourself to because they have 118,000 followers and you only have 230.
Ayo has been on this for years.
Ayo failed and plateaud. He worked hard without results for a long time BEFORE he found success.
He slept on the floor. Was broke and stayed up all night to kill his former self.
So here’s my unsolicited advice for you:
Dont compare your chapter 1 to someone elses chapter 30
We often forget that even mega stars such as Stephen King or J.K. Jowling started from zero.
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be at the exact right time.
In this season in your life, others more successful and accomplished writers can inspire you!
So do me a favour…
The more you should on yourself, compare and focus on the other writers, authors, creatives, the longer it will take you to get to where you want to be.
Ayo for instance once showed fear the finger when he was talking on stage in front of hundreds of (more accomplished) people, cameras on, all eyes on him.
“Ever felt like a fraud?” he asked on the TEDx stage talking about “The Future Belongs to The Imposter”.
“You’re only a true imposter if you ignore the work you meant to do or the life you’re supposed to live. You’re only a true fraud if you convince yourself that you’re not talented enough or qualified enough to live how you wanna live. That’s simply not true.”
In Ayo’s opinion feeling fear is a mega win
If you never feel fear, it means that you aren’t stretching yourself enough to experience any sort of growth.
Without fear, Ayo wouldn’t be where he’s now.
Fear will never totally go away
Feeling like a fraud will never go away if you compare yourself to others.
And you will compare yourself to others. You’re only flesh and blood.
But why not embrace it and live with it.
Unknown is always scary.
Success is scray too.
“You might feel like a fraud the entire time but deep down you understand that you’re living your truth”, says Ayo.
Don’t let fear stop you from taking risks that might hurt you down the line… the potential reward could be something incredible!
So, make fear your frenemy! 😱
So here I’m now inviting you to our LIVE workshop and Q&A for paid members
📅 June 19, 2024
⌚ 1:00pm EDT / 6:00pm BST / 10:00am PDT